January 18, 2025

Ready for Rocky Roads
Features Editor Janet Moore talks with UNCA professor and author Lori Horvitz about what has inspired and fueled her writing journey.
Lori Horvitz’s first collection of memoir-essays, The Girls of Usually (Truman State UP), won the 2016 Gold Medal IPPY Book Award in Autobiography/Memoir. Her creative nonfiction has appeared in a variety of journals, including Under the Sun, Hobart, Epiphany, South Dakota Review, The Laurel Review, The New York Times, The Guardian, Bustle, and Hotel Amerika. Her new book, Collect Call to My Mother: Essays on Love, Grief, and Getting a Good Night’s Sleep (New Meridian Arts 2023), received a starred review from Kirkus and has been short-listed for the Santa Fe Writers Project Literary Award. Professor of English at UNC Asheville, she has been awarded fellowships from Yaddo, Cottages at Hedgebrook, VCCA, Ragdale, Blue Mountain Center, and Brush Creek. She holds a Ph.D. in English from SUNY Albany, and an MFA in Creative Writing from Brooklyn College. Professor Horvitz has taught courses for the Great Smokies Writing Program, and she contributed an essay on writing craft to the fall 2015 issue of this publication. FOR MORE