SUE FORD and Village Marimba

Summer 2021 Village Marimba Classes for both youths and adults
Sue Ford, former director of Evergreen’s EMBE Marimba Band, is launching a new venture called Village Marimba. Sue continues to spread the joy of playing marimba music in a community ensemble. Classes will be available to students from any school (in Grades 5 – 12) in Western North Carolina. Village Marimba is a program of Asheville Rhythm, an organization that seeks to create a culture that promotes wellness through rhythm and bridges musical traditions through innovative collaborations. FOR MORE
Asheville Rhythm provides a creative environment where people
of all skill levels and traditions gather to explore,
innovate, educate and build community.
Asheville Rhythm seeks to create a culture that promotes wellness through rhythm
and bridges musical traditions through innovative collaborations.
We Provide
Online Livestream Classes
Sound Meditations/Immersions
Wellness Programs
Outreach Programs
Recording Studios
Free Public Events