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Mighty Migrant: Blackpoll Warbler – and Swift Night Out – the American Bird Conservancy

September 9, 2023

About the Blackpoll Warbler

The Blackpoll Warbler, named for the male’s black forehead and crown, has the longest migration of any North American warbler. Each fall, most Blackpolls migrate more than 2,000 miles across open water without stopping, sometimes flying for more than 80 hours straight until they reach their Amazon wintering grounds.

Blackpolls have an “elliptical” migration, traveling a different route in the fall and in the spring. Other birds known to have an elliptical migration pattern include the American Golden-Plover and the Connecticut Warbler, which is the only other North American warbler species known to winter in the Amazonian lowlands.

As in many of their tribe, including the Chestnut-sided and Bay-breasted Warblers, male Blackpoll Warblers sport much more subdued coloration as they head south in fall. Gone is the distinctive white cheek and black cap.  FOR MORE


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