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ROREY CARROLL American Songwriter

July 5, 2022

Rorey Car­rol­l’s sound rolls in low and pow­er­ful with the feel­ing of a Taran­tino film for the ears. A new kind of “Coun­try West­ern Folk-n-Roll”

With mu­si­cal roots in the blue­grass world, she has de­vel­oped her sound into some­thing unique and bold pulling from rock/​amer­i­cana/​folk in­flu­ences. As an writer, Car­rol­l’s strength is show­ing beauty in every­thing, from smoky bar rooms to the lit­tered streets. She not only seeks those places out, but paints them in gor­geous Tech­ni­color with the voice of one who has been there.

Her song­writ­ing de­liv­ers the hon­est sub­tlety of liv­ing the life of a gypsy, while still long­ing for the sim­plic­ity of small town hap­pi­ness.

-Michael Daniel



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