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TZEDEK Redistributing money. Shifting power. Supporting systems change and community healing.

June 7, 2023

Celebrating the brilliant and transformative work of movement leaders and social justice organizations in Asheville, NC.

The Tzedek Social Justice Fund (Tzedek) The  has been supporting the social justice work of grassroots organizations, collectives and cooperatives, nonprofits, and local leaders since the late 1980s. We fund work that is centered on LGBTQ Justice, Racial Justice, and Dismantling Antisemitism and is aligned with our mission.

Social Justice Philanthrop

Making Change Through Social Justice Philanthropy

The Tzedek Social Justice Fund supports vital social justice organizations and leaders working in the areas of  LGBTQ JusticeRacial Justice, and Dismantling Antisemitism.

Rooted in Social Justice

While not religious, Tzedek’s work is grounded in Jewish social justice values. These include justice (Tzedek), equitable giving (Tzedakah), repairing the world through social action (Tikkun Olam), and leadership (Hanhagah). These values call us to action.


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